
Monday, June 16, 2008

Stan Winston (1946-2008)

This is a sad day for movie fans everywhere.

Earlier today I saw a story on Aint-It-Cool-News that said effects artist Stan Winston has passed away. This was the man that brought the Terminator to life. Who made Sigourney Weaver face the terror of the title creatures in Aliens. Who made us believe that an alien hunter could stand toe to toe with Arnold Schwarzenegger in Predator. Oh, he also made us believe that dinosaurs walked the earth again in Jurassic Park. And that's just a partial resume.

Winston was one of a select breed of Hollywood visionaries who revolutionized the way that movies were made and changed how we look at them forever. He is one of the main reasons why so many of the best genre films of the last 30 years made such a lasting impression here and around the world. His craftsmanship made so many of my favorite science fiction, fantasy, and horror movies believable. He imbued his work with a sense of wonder that made the movies themselves work on a visceral level.

Try to imagine experiencing the climax of The Terminator without the frightening sight of that metal endoskeleton rising out of the flames to menace Sarah and Reese. Arnold was scary in that movie, but that red-eyed skeleton that just wouldn't stop was REALLY scary. I remember thinking how cool that T-100 Terminator was, and how much it scared the crud out of me at the time (even if it was animated in a pre-digital era).

I remember being scared spitless watching Ridley Scott's Alien. In the sequel, Aliens, Stan Winston (along with director James Cameron) multiplied my terror by introducing many, many versions of the H.R. Giger-inspired monster from the original film. The work on this film so inspired me that it's still my favorite science fiction film of all time.

I felt the same way about Jurassic Park. To this day, I still remember the wonder and the horror of those magical dinosaurs as they stood majestically, moved, roared, and well, chased humans, too.

All this is to say that more than a little of what's right about the movies is in no small part due to the contributions of Stan Winston. While I'm saddened to hear he's gone, knowing that we'll not see anymore of his work (after upcoming films like Terminator: Salvation), I'm glad to know that his films will live on.

My thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and colleagues.

He will be missed, but Stan Winston will always be remembered.